Chester County Green Card Lawyer

Lawful permanent residents are foreign-born individuals that have applied for and received a green card. Green cards grant individuals the legal authority to reside and work in the UNITED STATES on a permanent basis.  


Obtaining a green card is not always a simple process, and individuals can face many obstacles in their quest to obtain lawful permanent resident status in the United States.  Individuals desiring to acquire a green card that live in Chester County or the surrounding areas should contact Attorney James J. Munnis for assistance.  


Before an individual can apply for a green card they must have someone in the United States that will be their sponsor. A sponsor can be a United States citizen or another foreign national that is a lawful permanent resident of the United States.  The sponsor may file a petition on behalf of the individual seeking lawful permanent resident status, requesting a green card for the individual. There are several avenues by which a green card may be obtained and these include:

  • Family sponsorship
  • Employer sponsorship
  • Adoption
  • Asylum 

Family sponsorship can be obtained through family members or relatives that are either United States citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States.  Employers can choose to sponsor foreign-born employees based on specific criteria and categories. Attorney James J. Munnis can further explain the categories of employees and how employer sponsorship permanent residency works. Children that are adopted by United States citizens or lawful permanent residents can receive a green card. Those seeking refuge from persecution in their country of origin may also be eligible for lawful permanent resident status. 


Other foreign nationals may be eligible for green cards such as: 

  • Religious workers
  • Special immigrants (i.e. former United States government employees)
  • Foreign investors 

This is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list of ways in which foreign-born individuals may obtain a green card and the foreign-born individuals who may be eligible to acquire a green card. However, this list does intend to show that a green card may be obtained for various and numerous reasons. Attorney James J. Munnis can further explain the green card process and help foreign nationals determine the best way for them to obtain lawful permanent resident status. 


Attorney James J. Munnis understands how daunting the task of obtaining a green card can seem; therefore, he and his staff work tirelessly to ensure that their clients feel comfortable and confident throughout the processes involved in applying for permanent residency. Attorney James J. Munnis and staff make the best interests of their clients a top priority and take pleasure in answering any and all questions in regard to permanent resident status. Immigrants living in Chester County and the surrounding areas should consider contacting a Attorney James J. Munnis for experienced legal counsel.